This is what I do:
- I observe everything.
- From what I observe, I deduce everything.
- When I've eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how mad it might seem, must be the truth.”
Data modelling also observes everything, calculates/deduces scenarios and finally eliminates the lower probabilities to arrive at the highest probability of an event/scenario happening.
As a student of math in my early schooldays, we always ended the theorem by a “QED” (quod erat demonstrandum, meaning “which is what had to be proven”). The science of data modelling ends with not exactly a QED but it's tech derivative : POC (Proof of Concept). A QED would imply definite demonstration of a Proof of Performance/Theory/ Concept. A POC on the other hand is a near-definitive scenario arrived at conclusions from algorithms which have presumably been fed accurate and definitive data. Which, may not always be the case. Hence, the need for further validation or forensic data modelling to loop back to an aberration.
For me as a non-mathematician, I can only attempt to understand the concept of the fascinating world of data analytics. I have seen what data science techniques can do by the application of my own product SANDMAN® in giving the power of data analytic driven decision support algorithms to help foundries take forward looking decisions over the present reactive ones. It helps to optimise the molding process to closer levels of tolerances and; by corollary, save recurrence of related casting defects which can be very costly.
This let's the users of the algorithms take the call (however mad/contrary to their personal experiential reactive input/deduction); on what is most likely the way forward to take decisions however hard that might seem to be.
Relying on a machine to tell you where to go maybe hard. But it may not seem so hard when you realise that the pilots in the plane we fly are also relying on sophisticated fly-by-wire techniques and data based navigational algorithms that keep the plan on a steady course to head to it's destination with uncanny accuracy and safety. And now what of the planes/drones/cars that are pilotless and can still fly/shoot/drive with amazing accuracy to target!
Guess, the point I am trying to make in this blog is that: Let's open our mind to the transformative power of data science and techniques. Experiment with the truth (Mahatma Gandhi's - Autobiography title and also the essence of his life and persona) and let the facts help us arrive at the most likely conclusion for action however difficult it may seem at first.
Of course, it may not be relevant to all aspects of life, but its scope is widening day by day and many, many observant and forward looking people have made it their calling and topic of ground breaking research.
We, Team SANDMAN®, are seriously transforming the way foundries, a very conservative industry, will look at their data and analytics for profits now and in the future. Doing so by process optimisation through predictive analytics, and not as a standalone rejection push-the button software, it's like learning how to fish knowing exactly where to cast the net for the maximum catch!